Here's hoping for Germaine and a normal Anchovi.
I wonder how you'll draw the guy for this style?
Here's hoping for Germaine and a normal Anchovi.
I wonder how you'll draw the guy for this style?
Okay lets see.
Krinkles releases Madness 11 and now Harry releases Starbarians III.
2019 is starting off far better than before.
Fucking excellent.
This was nice man. I like the bouncy expression.
That's some smooth animation my dude.
"Itsa me!" Was absolutely hilarious.
He took the King Kong shit.
God, its been fucking forever since I've seen this. I must've been a kid last time I saw this.
For 2003 this was a pretty damn good piece of pixel animation. It really did make me feel something. Although I think I remember, somewhere, a parody of this. At least at the end, somewhere.
The voice actors made it for me. This gave me both a pants boner and a humor boner. Well done lad. Tell the VAs I said "nice".
Will do! (I'm super happy with their deliveries as well.)
Hell, its about time.
In retrospec, this thing was too crazy to ever succeed.
And yet.
It still did.
Made this account back in '07, completely forgot about it until about 21st of March in 2018. Formerly Madcat789.
Age 29, Male
Joined on 4/7/07